  >  Holiday Experiences   >  Tarifa: Where Laid-Back Living Meets Windy Adventures

Welcome to Tarifa, a charming town at the southern tip of Spain, where the laid-back style and cosy vibe beckon visitors to experience the perfect blend of relaxation and excitement.

Tarfa Spain
I went to Tarifa for the first time when we were off for a three-day trip to Tangier. Tarifa is where the ferries leave for Morocco. It is the closest point in Europe to Africa and the place where the Mediterranean Sea is on the East and the Atlantic Ocean on the West. But there’s more. Amazing beaches on the Atlantic side with very fine sand!
Known as a surfer’s paradise, Tarifa’s consistent winds make it a haven for water sports enthusiasts all year long. The Poniente wind from the Atlantic and the strong humid Levante wind from the Mediterranean provide ideal conditions for surfing and kite-surfing, making it a destination suitable for both seasoned riders and beginners. At the same time, when Atlantic ocean is rough, then the mediterranean part is calm and vice versa. Tarifa’s coastline is a natural wonderland waiting to be explored. The thin sandy beaches of the Atlantic Ocean with the expansive sand dunes along the shores providing a tranquil yet hippy escape. Right next to the town is Playa de Los Lances which is popular for sunbathers and water sports enthusiasts, while Tumbao in Playa de Valdevaqueros with its amazing beach view should not be missed.

In summer, the temperature is usually 4-5 degrees lower than other places in Spain, so it is the ideal place. For someone who is interested in a relaxing yet very interesting holiday, Tarifa is not ostentatious, it’s for those who want to feel close to nature. Imaging playing racquetball in Europe and being able to see the crystal-clear views of the African shore of Tangiers across the water! It is less than an hour by boat to Tangier and it´s perhaps the most common day trip from Tarifa.
This proximity to Africa adds an exotic touch to the town, creating a multicultural environment that is both intriguing and welcoming.
Upon entering Tarifa, visitors are intrigued by its charm. The old town’s narrow streets, lined with whitewashed buildings adorned with vibrant bougainvillea, create a picturesque setting.
After sunset, the town comes alive. The town’s bars and restaurants are full of people. Different languages are heard everywhere. A cosy atmosphere enhances the overall beauty of the town. The chill out yet vibrant atmosphere of this coastal town is so inviting! The vibe that Tarifa has is unique, whether chasing the wind on a surfboard, waiting for your ferry to Tangiers, or just visiting one of the many bars, and restaurants, this unique seaside place will make you feel like you are in an island.

Waikiki restaurant tarifa

Closest airports: Jerez and Malaga in Spain and Tangiers in Morrocco
Best beaches: Valdevaqueros, Punta Paloma, Los Lances
Where to eat: El Barrilito for the best bocadillo! Asador el Caserón, La Pescadería
Beach bars: Arte Vida, Wakiki, Tumbao.
Other activities: Daytrip to Tangiers, Whale watching
Where to stay: Hostal Tarifa, Hotel Arte Vida..